Our Leaders

David Saroli, CEO and Founder of NDVSB
David has been an entrepreneur and a business leader in procurement, technology, e-commerce, and finance since 1989. David has successfully launched and grown four different startups in his career that ranged from outsourced procurement, supply chain management, eProcurement software, supplier ecommerce enablement software, and financial processing software. David has over 30 years of experience in every aspect of startup companies including capital raises, mergers and acquisitions, and diversity inclusion.
Under David’s leadership, NDVSB has become the largest diversity and veteran small business inclusion program in the country.
David spends his spare time with his wife and daughters who enjoy several outdoor activities through all the Michigan seasons. Some of his hobbies include fishing, hunting, outdoor activities, and teaching kids the art of outdoor survival. His volunteer work includes hospice, Ted Nugent Camp for Kids, and veteran fundraisers.